Gerhard Fischer - Professor of Computer Science, Director of L3D and faculty member of the Institute of Cognitive Science. His leading edge work has provided the visions of "learning on demand" as well as other fundamental developments in "Human-Computer-Interactions" (HCI) in this country and abroad.
Clayton Lewis - Professor of Computer Science and faculty of the Institute of Cognitive Science whose research interests have been on the relationship between computers and education among other very interesting research topics.
Michael Holleran - Assistant Professor of City and Regional Planning at the College researching intersections between natural systems, urban systems from a historical perspective.
Alex Repenning - Research Assistant Professor at the L3D Center in Computer Science and the Institute of Cognitive Science. He is working on AgentSheets, a substrate of great potential to urban and regional planning decision support systems applications.
Michael Eisenberg - Assistant Professor of Computer Science and the Institute of Cognitive Science, as well as an L3D member. His work in HYPERGAMI with some of his graduate students has great potential in the areas of experiential learning in physical planning. Also, this work has the potential of tool development, i.e., 3-D languages of pieces for games and simulations.
Mark Gross - an Assistant Professor of Environmental Design at the College. His research has focused on the development of interactive tool integrating "paper and pencil" flexibility with computational functionality to support architectural design.
Ray McCall - Associate Professor of Environmental Design at the College. His work has focused on the development of Issue-Based information systems to interactively inform and support decision making processes.
Mary Fran Myers and David Butler - Executive Director and Senior Researcher and Professor of Geography at the National Center for Natural Hazards Management of the Institute for the Behavioral Sciences here at UCB. Their research focuses on information transfer and technological support in natural hazards management at the national and international levels.
Jim Wescoat - Associate Professor of Geography with a background in Landscape Architecture who is working on regional planning concerns of wateshed management in different in Africa and Asia.
Willem van Vliet - Professor of Environmental Design at the College whose work has been in the interactions between social systems and housing, both at the national and international levels.
Raymond Studer - Professor and Chair of City and Regional Planning at the College whose research has focused in the relationships between human behavior and the designed environment.
Others as topics surface in the course