Research Issues and Methods in Planning and Design:

Creating Sustainable Communities

Fall Semester 1996 Course Syllabus

College of Architecture and Planning - UCD and UCB
Center for LifeLong Learning & Design - UCB
New Vista High School - BVPSD

Ernesto Arias (
Stevan Kalmon (
Corrina Perrone (

  1. ENVD 3122 secs. 010 and 011

  2. ENVD 3909 sec 901

Time: To be arranged To be arranged E.G. Arias (ENVD 152, 492-6914)
Days: Tuesdays Thursdays S. Kalmon (New Vista HS)
Room: ENVD l02 SIM Lab, ENVD 215 C. Perrone (L3D)

"This planning and design course is really about learning how to learn. It is fundamentally based on the individual's development of critical thinking within a community of learners concerned with knowledge construction rather than instruction when addressing real world problems." E.G. Arias

| Overview | Calendar | Projects & Labs | Guests (ENVD 3122) |

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