Major: Computer Science
Expected Graduation Date: Spring, 2004 - Gen's website (updated June 2003)

Progress Reports


  • January recap




Project Links

MAPS website


I got involved with the C'Lever and L3D groups in June of 2001. Since then I have been working with Stefan Carmien on the MAPS project developing prompting systems for people with cognitive disabilities.

I have done research on prompting systems, user-interface design, different types of assistive technology and many other things. I have also designed the MAPS project website.

Before I came to CU, I had heard about the L3D and was excited when I was able to become a part of their team. Over the last year I have learned many things including but not limited to: Visual Basic, Embedded Visual Basic; some Palm OS language; user-interface design for software and websites; prompting systems; the cognitively disabled community including caregivers and other assistive technology designs. I have analyzed the benefits and drawbacks of different technology platforms, as well as different ways of doing things that make them more accessable to the assistive technology community.


After having been with L3D for almost 2 years now, I would just like to reflect on my time spent here. I would like to thank all of the wonderful people in L3D who have contributed to my experience. This has been an invaluable experience for me and I am still thankful for the opportunity to work with other brilliant people in my field. I look forward to the accomplishments and years of work together to come in L3D.