January 27, 1997

HOMEWORK till Feb 3rd

  1. Identify and briefly describes themes, systems of "Things That Makes Us Smart"

    1. which you found most interesting in Norman's book
    2. which you think are missing from Norman's Book

    focus on themes related to your own work and your own interests

  2. Look up the "Glossary" in

    http://l3d.cs.colorado.edu/ ---> General ----> Glossary

    look over the terms/concepts and

    1. identify the terms/concepts which have no meaning to you

    2. identify terms/concepts which are also in Norman

    3. conveying the same meaning

    4. conveying a different meaning

  3. add terms which are in Norman, but missing in L3D's glossary

  4. Look over the write-up "Notes about Projects" and

    1. think about which of the projects is of greatest interest to you

    2. document additional thoughts you might have about one of the projects