
A Rule-Based Programming, Simulation and Manipulation
Environment for the LEGO Programmable Brick

Jim Gindling, Andri Ioannidou, Jennifer Loh, Olav Lokkebo, Alexander Repenning

Department of Computer Science
Center for LifeLong Learning and Design
University of Colorado, Boulder CO 80309-0430
(303) 492-1349,
Fax: (303) 492-2844

LEGOsheets was created. LEGOsheets is an educational

environment implemented in Agentsheets, a grid-based

tool for creating visual programming languages [5].

Programming can serve as a vehicle to create learning

opportunities in the constructionist sense [3].

Making use of a grid-based spatial construction

paradigm [4], LEGOsheets is a combined visual

programming, manipulation, and simulationenvironment.

It provides a gentle and enticing introduction to

programming and the design of mechanical artifacts.

LEGOsheets is intended to be used by children ages 8 and

up. Initially, children use LEGOsheets simply as a direct

manipulation [6] mechanism to control physical artifacts

equipped with electrical sensors and effectors. During

this stage, LEGOsheets can be perceived as a fancy

remote control. Later, children use a rule-based approach

[2] to program the behavior of individual effectors, such

as motors and lights, while still manually controlling

others. In the final stage, all the effectors are

programmed. The program gets downloaded into the

Programmable Brick, the link between the programming

environment and the Brick gets severed, and the artifact,

controlled by the Brick, is let loose. We believe this

gradual transition from manual control to complete

programming serves as an ideal method for children to

learn how to program. This paper first introduces the

LEGO Programmable Brick, then gives a brief description

of a LEGO vehicle built and programmed using

LEGOsheets, and finally walks through a scenario with

children using LEGOsheets.


The LEGO1Programmable Brick gives children the

ability to create physical artifacts, such as vehicles and

robots, and program them with interesting behaviors.

However, programming is difficult to learn, even for

adults. Children often lose interest in further exploration

of programming through adult learning mechanisms.

Environments that support a gradual transition from

manual control of the physical artifact to complete

programming substantially simplify the process of

programming. The combination of LEGOsheets and the

Programmable Brick is an educational environment that

provides a gentle, enticing introduction to programming

and the design of mechanical artifacts. This paper

introduces LEGOsheets, a rule-based programming

environment that allows children to simulate and

manipulate the LEGO Programmable Brick.

  1. Introduction

The LEGO Programmable Brick, presently being

developed at the MIT Media Lab, is a small but complete

computer, that can be used in conjunction with sensors

and effectors to program the behavior of mechanical

artifacts. However, it is difficult to program and debug

using traditional programming environments, such as the

current programming interface. To address this problem,

IMAGE Imgs/index01.GIF

1 LEGO is a registered trademark of the LEGO Corporation.

  1. LEGO Programmable Brick

The LEGO Programmable Brick is a small computer

with sensor ports and effector ports (Figure 1). It is

currently being developed at the MIT Media Lab and is

not yet commercially available. To program the Brick,

the MIT Media Lab created a system called Brick Logo

(Figure 2).

  1. Building the LEGOpet

In this section, we provide a scenario to show how

LEGOsheets is used to program the Brick. The scenario

is based on our experiences during user testing.

Throughout the design and development of LEGOsheets

we have met on a biweekly basis with five middle school

students, grades 6 through 8. During the first stages of

user testing the children explored existing software such
as LEGO Dacta3and Brick Logo. The feedback that they

gave us during this stage made them part of our

collaborative design process, which resulted in the

prototypes we developed.

IMAGE Imgs/index02.GIF

IMAGE Imgs/index03.GIF

Figure 1:The LEGO Programmable Brick.

Through the sensor ports, the Brick can receive

signals from a variety of sensors, such as touch sensors,

reflectance sensors, and angle sensors. Through the

effector ports, it can control motors, beepers, and lights.

The Programmable Brick also has a few built-in sensors

and effectors, including an infrared sensor and a beeper.

Over the years LEGO has presented a variety of

construction kits that can be grouped into three

generations. The first generation construction kits (the

traditional LEGO bricks) allowed children to build static

objects such as buildings. The second generation (the
Technic2bricks) enabled children to build more

sophisticated artifacts using motors and pneumatic

devices. With the introduction of the Programmable

Brick, we enter the third generation, which allows

children to build behaving machines [7]. The size of the

Brick allows it to be incorporated in LEGO constructions

and therefore create a wide variety of interesting machines

and creatures. One can build data acquisition devices

such as a weather station or a device that can be placed by

a door to count how many people enter a room.

Furthermore, one can build a vehicle, or LEGO creature,

that explores its environment by programming it to find

the place with the most light or the highest temperature.

IMAGE Imgs/index01.GIF

2Technic is a registered trademark of the LEGO Corporation.

Figure 2:The Brick Logo Environment for Programming the


Our experience when programming the Brick with

the existing environment, Brick Logo (Figure 2) during

user testing, indicated the need to facilitate a more gradual

transition from manual control to programmed control.

The scenario in section 3.2 illustrates this gradual


IMAGE Imgs/index04.GIF

Figure 3:The LEGOpet.

IMAGE Imgs/index01.GIF

3LEGO Dacta is a registered trademark of the LEGO Corporation.

IMAGE Imgs/index07.GIF

Figure 4:The Gallery, Simulation Environment, and Rule Editor of LEGOsheets.

The LEGOpet (Figure 3) is one of the LEGO

creatures the authors created and programmed using

LEGOsheets. We created the LEGOpet by building a

vehicle with a touch sensor, two reflectance sensors, and

two motors, and then assigning behavior to it. We

programmed the LEGOpet in such a way that it"likes"

dark objects and runs toward them, but is"afraid" of

light-colored objects and backs up whenever it approaches

one. The idea of vehicles exhibiting behavior and feelings

is explored in Braitenberg's Vehicles: Experiments in

Synthetic Psychology

3.1. LEGOsheets Components

When the user launches LEGOsheets, the gallery and

simulation environmentappear on the screen (Figure 4).

The gallerycontains icons representing sensors and

effectors that can be connected to the Brick, as well as

other components that can be used for programming. The

simulation environmentcontains the virtual Brick, a

realistic representation of the physical Brick able to

completely simulate the Brick. Users can attach

components of their choice from the gallery to the virtual

in the simulation environmentand start playing with

LEGOsheets. In Figure 4, a touch sensor is connected to

Sensor Port B and two reflectance sensors are connected

to Sensor Ports A and C, and two motors are connected to

Effector Ports A and D.

In order to assign behavior to the different

components, users define rules. The rules in LEGOsheets

are attached to each individual effector, and consist of

three major components:an initial value,zero or more

conditional actions,and a default action. The initial

is optional and contains the value assigned to the

effector at the beginning of program execution. The

conditional actions are if-then constructs. If the condition

holds, the value of the expression specified in the "then"

part gets assigned to the effector. Only one of the

conditional actionsis executed each time the rule is

checked. If none of the conditions holds, the value

specified in the default action is used.

3.2. Scenario

The following is a scenario based on our experiences

during user testing, in which two children, Christine and

Jim, build the LEGOpet. Christine is older. She has used

LEGOsheets a few times before and is relatively familiar

with the system.

The children start out with a vehicle that has two

motors, each used to drive one wheel. It also has two

reflectance light sensors, which test the reflectance of

objects, and a touch sensor, which can detect when the

vehicle is in contact with another object.

the simulation environment (Figure 6). As the motors are

inserted they make a snapping sound in the same manner

LEGOs do when they are put together. Throughout user

testing, we have learned that children appreciate colorful

icons and sounds that imitate the world around them.

Thus, we believe the use of color, animation, and sound to

be important forms of feedback to the user.

IMAGE Imgs/index08.GIF

Figure 6:Simulation Environment with 2 Motors Attached to

the Virtual Brick.

3.2.1. Direct Manipulation ofthe Physical


The LEGOsheets environment allows programming

of the virtual Brickwithout the physical Brick.

Furthermore, it allows the user to directly manipulate the

physical Brick through the virtual Brick. Virtual sensors

can be simulated by the user or receive real values from

the physical Brick connected via a cable to the virtual

Brick. The same holds true for effectors.

IMAGE Imgs/index09.GIF

IMAGE Imgs/index10.GIF

Figure 7:Virtual Motor Before Being Wired to Physical


After playing around with the values of the virtual

motors in the simulation environment, the children want

to see the real motors spin. Christine checks to make sure

the Brick is connected via the serial port to the computer.

They click on the part of the virtual motor that looks like a

lighting bolt (Figure 7). The lightning bolt makes an

electrifying sound and changes color (Figure 8). Once

again, the change of color and the sound produced as an

Figure 5:The Initial Simulation Environment.

When Christine and Jim start LEGOsheets, the

simulation environment contains only the virtual Brick

(Figure 5). The first thing they do is add two motors to

indication of wiring the motor proved to be useful

feedback on the change of state of the environment.

At this point Christine suggests they write a program.

She explains to Jim that motors have rules attached, and

writing programs requires editing these rules. She

continues by stating that to edit the rule for a specific

motor, he must first double-click on the motor so its rule

will open. Jim double clicks on one of the motors,

and its associated rule editoropens (Figure 10).

IMAGE Imgs/index11.GIF

Figure 8:Virtual Motor After Being Wired to Physical Motor.

Then Jim wires the other virtual motor to its

corresponding physical motor. Virtual sensors and

effectors can be wired. For sensors, this means that they

get their value from the corresponding sensor on the

physical Brick. Effectors update their corresponding

physical effector. Now that Jim has wired the virtual

motors to the physical motors, he clicks on the increase-

value arrow for one of the virtual motors (Figure 9). The

corresponding physical motor turns on at a very slow

speed. He notices the value displayed on the virtual

motor is now 1. He clicks the increase-value arrow for

the same motor until the value displayed is 5, and notices

that the physical motor increases speed each time he

clicks. He then clicks the decrease-value arrow for the

virtual motor until the value displayed is -2. He notices

that when the value is 0, the motor stops, and when it is

negative, the motor reverses direction.

IMAGE Imgs/index12.GIF

Figure 10:Default Rule Editor for a Motor.

Christine informs Jim that this rule currently specifies

that the motor is always at speed 0, which Jim knows will

result in the motor being turned off. Realizing that this is

not interesting behavior, Jim changes the 0 to a 5. He

then clicks the OK button, and the rule editor closes. He

opens the rule editor for the other motor and does the

same. Then Christine starts the execution of the rules by

selecting the Run Rulesmenu item. Once the vehicle,

which faces the wall, runs into it, Jim picks it up and turns

it around. Christine, however, suggests that they stop the

rules and reverse the motors manually, so that the vehicle

will back up from the wall.

After a while, Jim decides that he wants to play with

the sensors. To the simulation environment(Figure 11) he

adds two reflectance sensors, which correspond to the

physical sensors attached to the Brick.

IMAGE Imgs/index13.GIF

Figure 9:Virtual Motor After Increase-Value Arrow is Clicked.

As the children change the motor values, the vehicle

moves around on the table and hits a book that lies in its

path. They try to make the vehicle climb over the book

and discover that when the motors are set at speed 5, the

vehicle is able to slowly climb the book. Christine then

increases the angle of the book and, after experimenting

with different values, they find it now requires the motors

to be at speed 7 to climb the book.

While directly manipulating the physical Brick,

children can experiment with effector values and use the

knowledge they acquire later, when specifying rules.

3.2.2. Combining Direct Manipulation and


At any time, individual effectors can be switched

between user-controlled and programmed mode. This

supports the gradual programming of behavior.

IMAGE Imgs/index14.GIF

Figure 11:Simulation Environment with 2 Motors and 2

Reflectance Sensors Attached to the Virtual Brick.

IMAGE Imgs/index15.GIF

Figure 12:Virtual Reflectance Sensor Before Being Changed

to Plot Mode.

The plot mode in LEGOsheets is an alternative way

to represent the value of cells. Whereas in the numerical

mode the value of the cell is displayed as a number, in the

plot mode the value of the cell is displayed as a graph

plotted over time.

3.2.3. Programming an Autonomous Creature.

Once the virtual Brickis completely programmed, the

program can be downloaded into the physical Brick.

Then the Brick can be disconnected from the computer

and the creature can be let loose.

The children remember from their previous

experiments that the normal value of the reflectance

sensors seems to be about 200, and ranges from about 190

to 210. Keeping in mind that the value range for motors

is between -8 and 8, where negative numbers specify

reverse, Christine suggests that they take the sensor value

and subtract from it to map it into the range of motor


They open the rule editor for one of the motors and

delete the value that is already there. Christine clicks on

the left virtual sensor in the simulation environment, and

they notice the name of the sensor, Reflect2, is

automatically pasted into the rule. LEGOsheets uses the

spreadsheet metaphor for building formulas in the rule

editor fields by clicking on different cells in the

simulation environment.

IMAGE Imgs/index17.GIF

IMAGE Imgs/index16.GIF

Figure 14:Rule Editor with Reflectance Sensor Value Used.

By subtracting different numbers from the value of

the reflectance sensors in the rule and then running it

while having the sensors wired, the children decide that

the value 200 will work. They edit the rule for Motor0 as

shown in Figure 14, and in a similar fashion, the rule for

Motor1 except that the other reflectance sensor, Reflect2,

is used. Once the rules are complete, they download the

program to the Brick. Christine disconnects the Brick

from the computer, puts the vehicle on the floor, and

presses the start button.

At first, the vehicle does not move much, it just rocks

back and forth a little. Jim remarks that it cannot make up

its mind what it wants to do. Christine puts the white

piece of paper in front of the vehicle, and it backs up a

little. She moves the paper closer to the vehicle, and it

backs up faster. She removes the paper from in front of

the vehicle, and again it does not move much. Then she

puts a black notebook in front of the vehicle, and it darts

toward the notebook. She quickly removes the notebook,

Figure 13:Virtual Reflectance Sensor in Plot Mode.

Jim takes the paper and watches how the line changes

shape as he moves the paper in front of the sensor and

away again at different speeds (Figure 13). He plays with

this for a while, and then puts his notebook, which is

black, in front of the physical sensor. He notices the line

is now higher than he has ever seen it before. He puts his

notebook in front of the other reflectance sensor, and

notices that its value jumps up to about 210. He removes

the notebook, and the value returns to around 200 again.

Jim tells Christine that he wants to use the sensor

values in a program, but is not sure how. Christine comes

up with an idea:she wants to create a vehicle that roams

around the room, away from the computer, and changes

speed depending on the light conditions.

and it stays still again. Jim grabs the white paper, puts it

in front of the vehicle, and watches the vehicle back up.

The children take turns placing the paper and notebook, as

well as other objects, in front of the vehicle, watching

what it does. Jim remarks that the vehicle likes dark

objects and dislikes light-colored objects. Since their

vehicle seems to behave like a living creature, they decide

to call it their LEGOpet.

While exploring the behavior of the LEGOpet (Figure

15), Jim and Christine notice that when it runs into

something black, it gets stuck because it continues trying

to go forward. Since the LEGOpet has a touch sensor,

they decide to modify the program so the LEGOpet will

not get stuck.

They repeat the same steps for the rule of the other

motor, and then download the new program to the Brick

so they can try it out. As they expected, the LEGOpet

acts exactly as it did before, unless it runs into an object.

When it does run into an object, it reverses for a split

second, and then runs into the object again. The

LEGOpet is never able to avoid the object again without

assistance from the children. After watching this happen

a few times, Christine decides the problem is that both

motors are reversing at the same speed; therefore, the

LEGOpet is not turning and cannot avoid the object. She

tells Jim that they need to modify the program so it will

turn when it backs up. She suggests using a value of -3

for one of the motors, and keeping the other motor at -8.

IMAGE Imgs/index18.GIF

IMAGE Imgs/index19.GIF

Figure 16:Rule Editor with Touch Sensor Used in

Conditional Action.

Once Jim makes the suggested modifications and

downloads the new program to the Brick, they start the

LEGOpet again. This time when it runs into an object, it

turns when it backs up, as they programmed it to.

Sometimes it takes a few times of running into the object

and reversing, but eventually it works itself clear of the

object and continues on in a new direction.

  1. Discussion

Through user testing, we have observed children

having fun playing with motors using only the direct

manipulation of the brick from LEGOsheets. Also, the

ability to change the representation of the cell value from

a number to a graph proved interesting to use in exploring

sensor values, especially for the reflectance sensor. We

believe the excitement the children experience while

playing with LEGOsheets and the Brick in this manner

creates an incentive that makes the step into programming


The gradual introduction to the rule structure

illustrated in the scenario shows thatonce children begin

to program, they can reap the benefits of more powerful

capabilities as they learn more about the rule structure. In

the rule structure of LEGOsheets, interesting behavior can

be achieved just by specifying Default actions; and if

Figure 15:Jim Playing with the LEGOpet.

After connecting the Brick to the computer again, the

children open the rule editor for Motor0 and add a

conditional action to the rule by clicking on the button

labeled Add Conditional Action. They want to program

the motor to go backwards at speed 8 when it hits

something. Since they know the touch sensor returns 1

when it is pressed and 0 otherwise, they write the rule

shown in Figure 16.

In the rule, the three sections after the word If specify

the condition. The condition will be true when the touch

sensor is pressed. The section after the word Then

specifies the action to take if the condition is true, which

in this case is to reverse the motor at speed 8. The section

after the word Defaultis the default action, which will

only execute if the condition above does not hold.

Therefore, as long as the touch sensor is not pressed, the

LEGOpet will act exactly as it did before. However,

when the LEGOpet runs into an object, which will cause

the touch sensor to become pressed, the motor will reverse

at a speed of 8.

more complicated behavior is desired, the user can make

use of any number of Conditional actions.

An important aspect that we discovered during user

testing is that children appreciate a lively application with

colorful icons and audio feedback. Appropriate audio

feedback serves two purposes. Users can receive

confirmation that what they expected really happened or

warnings that they just did something they were not

supposed to.

The rule-based approach in LEGOsheets maps nicely

onto programming artifacts with parallel behavior.

However, it falls short in cases where the sequencing and

timing of events is important. Brick Logo, with its

sequential model, is better suited to handle sequences. A

simple traffic light with a timed sequence shifting from

red to green to yellow and back, can be written in a few

lines of code that are straightforward. However,

implementing the traffic light in LEGOsheets is more

difficult, and not so intuitive.

  1. Conclusion

The gradual transition from manual control to

programmed control provided by LEGOsheets makes

learning to program the LEGO Programmable Brick an

enjoyable experience. It is important to make learning to

program fun, especially for children. LEGOsheets

achieves this by continuing to reward the children with

increasingly powerful abilities while requiring only small

increases in the skill needed.


The research was supported by the National Science

Foundation under grant No. RED 925-3425, supplement

to RED 925-3425, the Advanced Research Projects

Agency under Cooperative Agreement No. CDA-940860,

and Apple Computer,Inc. Special thanks go to Mitchel

Resnick, Fred Martin, and numerous other MIT Media

Lab members for the LEGO Programmable Brick and

their great support. Scott Dixon, a teacher at the

Centennial Middle School in Boulder, made all the user

testing with his wonderful students possible. The people

at the Center for LifeLong Learning and Design, provided

essential insights and suggestions.


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