First Semester Reflections

LEGOsheets is a Senior Project involving senior undergraduate computer science students in an extended, one year software design and implementation experience. The goal of the LEGOsheets project is to devise and to evaluate a new programming mechanism for the programmable LEGO brick developed by the Learning and Epistemology group at the MIT media lab. The results of the first semester consists of (i) a document describing our experiences and insights regarding our design from interacting with middle schools students (this report), (ii) a design description of LEGOsheets and (iii) a prototype of LEGOsheets. In this report we describe our experiences with students who have been simultaneously exposed to a commercial LEGO Dacta environment and the Programmable LEGO brick environment. Additionally, we present empirical information about rule-based programming approaches gathered with interviews.

Table of Contents

Design Goals
The Hallway Explorer
The Death Project
Traffic Lights
Motor Home
LEGO Dacta versus the Programmable Brick: No more cables
The Parallel Sensor Vehicle
Operator Precedence
Calculator Metaphor as a Formula Builder
Children's Reaction to Rules for Defining Behavior
Future Work


Senior Project is part of the curriculum of Computer Science in Engineering here in the University of Colorado at Boulder. All seniors are required to take this class, whose purpose is to give seniors experience with real world projects before graduation.

One of the project proposals for the class was a proposal for building a visual programming environment that children can use to program the LEGO Programmable Brick. According to the proposal, the project team members would have to meet several requirements:

Since we thought this would be an interesting project and we were confident that we would meet the above requirements, we attended the introductory meeting for the project. There were a few people interested in this project, but since there was a maximum number of people per group set by the professor, it was not possible that we all stayed. Therefore, after going through a selection process, what is now known as the LEGOgang was formed. The team members are Jim Gindling, Andri Ioannidou, Jennifer Loh and Olav Lokkebo (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The LEGOgang and its Sponsor: Back Row (left to right): Alex Repenning (sponsor of LEGOsheets), Olav Lokkebo, Jim Gindling. Front Row: Jennifer Loh, Andri Ioannidou.

Soon after we came up with our initial plans for approaching the project's task, we had to do something to meet the first requirement of the project: interact with users.

It was through our Senior Project professor that we came in contact with Centennial Middle School (CMS). Our intention was to get a group of students to do our user testing with. We visited the school's Computer Club and we were amazed by what the kids could do. Anything from using drawing software to make cards and using the network to send e-mail to programming little adventure games in Basic and even C! We explained to the teacher who is in charge, Mr. Scott Dixon, that we were looking for some students that would be interested in our project and would be willing to stay with this task for the whole year. We did not require any knowledge of programming. We actually preferred to have kids with no programming background. Our only 'real' requirement was that we needed kids who would not be afraid to tell us what they really thought about the things we would have them try out and not hide their opinions by saying that they liked everything about our system. We suggested that since the teacher knew the students better, he should help us out with the selection process. He agreed on that and he said that he would talk to some kids that he thought would be interested and would meet our requirement. The next time we were over at CMS, again during Computer Club, he pointed out some (6-7) kids and we just walked around and observed what they were doing and how. We told Scott to choose among those kids and that was how the CMS group (Figure 2) was formed.

Figure 2: The CMS group (left to right): Christine, Lindsay, Kendal, Greg and Ester.

Christine is in 8th grade. She is involved in the Student Council. Lindsay is in also in 8th grade. She is interested in sports and she is in her class' basketball team. Kendal is in 6th grade. Her favorite subject in school is math. Greg is also in 6th grade. He is into fast downhill skiing! Ester is in 7th grade. All of them said that they enjoy playing with LEGOs a lot. We arranged to meet with the CMS group once a week. Since our project was at early stages of prototyping and our design was changing rapidly due to the research nature of the project, we did not want to expose the kids to an incomplete system. Therefore, we started experimenting with the existing systems: the LEGO Dacta Control System and Microworlds Logo for the Brick. Our plan was to use the two systems side-by-side. We had already played a little with the Brick and we had read papers about the Dacta Kit. However, we were interested in extensively using these systems ourselves and especially seeing how the kids would use them. We wanted to explore the differences between the two systems and to find out what kids think about programming in Logo. At first, we completely shielded them from our system and we played with them using the existing ones (Figure 3). We helped them create and program several LEGO models. Later on, we briefly introduced them to rules and then to the rule structure of LEGOsheets (on paper).

Figure 3: At Centennial Middle School: the group on the left is using Microworlds Logo while the group on the right is using the LEGO Dacta kit

All these were fun and educating for both the kids and ourselves. The kids have learned how to use certain Logo primitives to program the Brick and the LEGO components of the Dacta Kit. But what we think to be a more valuable lesson for them, is that they learn to work together in groups, cooperate with each other in order to achieve something. While we are playing, we (the LEGOgang) do not take the strict role of the educators and the kids the role of the learners. We actually learn a lot from the kids and we have gained valuable experiences that proved to be helpful in the design of our project. In this paper, we will present some of the projects that we have built with the kids, what we have learnt from these experiences and how this knowledge has affected the design of LEGOsheets.

Design Goals

The goal of this project is to design LEGOsheets, a visual programming environment and debugging tool that can be used to program the Programmable LEGO Brick. LEGOsheets should be easy and fun to use, yet still powerful. It is mainly intended to be used by kids in 5th grade and up.

Our experience with the programmable brick indicates that Logo is a very effective programming mechanism. Nonetheless, we believe that the programmability for some types of problems could be improved by using a rule-based approach to simplify the expression of parallel behavior and by elevating the role of the Macintosh through the addition of a simulation component to the programming environment:

Rule-Based Programming: Our experience indicates that the sequential model championed by Logo is an excellent match to solve sequential problems. For instance, to program a traffic light in Logo was quite trivial for the kids. However, when faced with a problem that required parallelism the kids would experience difficulties. Our hypothesis is that a rule-based approach would help the kids to overcome these problems. This may come at the cost of simplicity to express sequential problems. For instance, a rule-based approach to define the behavior of a traffic light becomes unnecessarily challenging. We will, initially, stress a "pure" rule-based approach to explore the virtues and limitations but later we may have to extend our framework with additional control mechanisms to simplify the solution of sequential problems.

Simulating a Virtual Brick: The Microworld environment is of restricted use for kids if the brick is not connected to it. LEGOsheets should be able to completely emulate the programmable brick to the point where programs can be created and tested even if the brick is not attached to the programming environment. This has economical as well as logistical advantages. Users can program the brick and experience its behavior (in limited ways not including interaction with physical reality) without the need to have the brick attached to the Macintosh. Given the typical budget of schools, the number of kids interested in programming the brick would usually be much larger than the number of bricks available. Sharing a small number of bricks becomes more feasible if the programming environment allows kids to experience the behavior of programs even without the brick. A simulation can also be a shortcut to test the behavior of a program in complex situation that would require an elaborate setup of the real brick in the real world possibly leading to extended, frustrating turn around of programming, testing and debugging cycles.

Macintosh Ports: In addition to the input and output ports of the brick, LEGOsheets offers additional Macintosh Ports that can be used, typically for debugging purposes. For instance, an input port picking up the signal from the microphone built into most Macintoshes can be used to create interesting signals based on sound. An application of a Mac Microphone input port could be to create a simple clap on/clap off device. A Macintosh output port such as a value/time plotter can be used to represent temporal characteristics of a signal. Macintosh ports may go as far as being network connections to other running LEGOsheets applications enabling distributed multi-user simulations.

Hot Sensors & Hot Effectors: While the brick is connected to the programming environment, it should be possible to switch sensor and effector ports that are part of the simulation between connected (hot) and simulated (user defined). For instance, in the case of a Braitenberg vehicle consisting of one light sensor and one motor, it should be possible to switch the light sensor and the motor between hot and user defined. A hot light sensor can reveal the range of typical values coming from the sensor at different levels of brightness. Allowing the user to set the value of the motor by increasing or decreasing it (with the cursor keys), on the other hand, is a good way to experience the range of values and how they correlate to speed and direction of the motor. This opportunity to experience the range of values for sensors and effectors is an efficient means to develop an understanding of the mapping between abstract values and physical dimensions.


The following sections describe projects that were done with the children at Centennial Middle School.

The Hallway Explorer

On Wednesday November 9, 1994, Lindsay and Greg worked with Olav, using Brick Logo, on a vehicle that would explore space by means of a touch sensor. If the vehicle bounced into an obstacle, it should maneuver around that obstacle. Notes taken from that day, by Olav:

"Visited CMS on Wednesday, and worked with the Brick Logo. Had a great time. Built a vehicle that "bounced" off the walls - together with Greg, Lindsay and Chris (Note: Chris is a graduate student from C.U., who is interested in this project and has participated in some of our visits to CMS). The kids have great ideas, but their skills in building with LEGOs impair them a bit. It takes a long time for them to build a model. Greg, who did the programming, had some trouble with the semantics/syntax of how Logo works, but I think that was nothing but normal confusion for somebody starting to program. When we debugged the program, both Greg and Lindsay figured out the problems when Chris and I explained to them how the Brick was working. For example, why the vehicle kept hitting the wall after one motor was turned off instead of reversing the direction. I told them to look for the red/green direction lights on the motor port and the problem was solved. We were using toggle (on/off) instead of rd. Greg fixed this quick. Learning Logo went really fast".

Figure 4 shows Lindsay with the Hallway Explorer.

Figure 4: Lindsay testing the Hallway Explorer (the doom vehicle).

The final Brick Logo program for the Hallway Explorer follows. It contains a loop with a call to a second procedure called crash.

to doom

ad, setpower 8

ad, on

loop [ crash ]


to crash

if switcha [

ad, rd

wait 20

a, off

wait 20 a, on

ad, rd



Insight: The Brick LOGO program acts like a single script supporting the sequential orchestration of events; going forward until an obstacle is in the way, reversing for a certain amount of time and then continue to go forward. To program something similar in rules could be harder because the rules only very implicitly imply the order of events. For example, to program sequential behavior such as a traffic light could be complex using rules. After taking this into account when designing our LEGOtalk Rules, the Sequencer came to existence. It makes programming sequential behavior using rules much simpler.

The Death Project

One of the projects the kids built using the LEGO Dacta Kit was the 'Death Project'. (To digress a little from our subject, it is intriguing to see what ideas the kids have for building models and how they name them!). For this particular project, the kids wanted the vehicle to move forward until it 'saw' a wall, with the reflectance sensor. When it approached the wall, the vehicle sped up, bumped into the wall and backed up for a certain amount of time and stopped (this was due to the fact that we were working on the table where the computer was and since we were constrained in that area by the wires, we only wanted the vehicle to travel backwards up to the edge of the table). This is the code that the kids wrote (with a little bit of our help, mainly on the syntax of Logo):

to death

talkto "motora


setpower 5


waituntil [light6 > 41.5]

talkto "motora

setpower 8

waituntil [touch1]



setpower 5

onfor 20


Insight: One interesting issue in this project arose from the use of the reflectance sensor. Since it was the first time any of us used the reflectance sensor, we did not know what range of values this sensor takes when it is close to an object and when it is far away from any objects. This is where the setup picture of the Dacta Kit proved to be useful. We tested the reflectance sensor by moving it towards and away from objects and observing the value changes that was presented on the screen, on top of the connected sensor. From this, we confirmed the need for 'hot-sensors' that display their value on the screen.


The Wackey vehicle would go forward and if it hit something, it would then go back a bit and try again. The only time keeping mechanism allowed was the timer. We used the vehicle that Lindsay and Greg had used the week before. Olav, the "coach", started off by explaining the concept of a timer, the way to reset it and check how far it had come in its counting. It turned out that the kids realized how one could keep track of time by having something count at a steady tempo.

First attempt: Christine was doing the writing, and Greg was sitting next to her telling her what to write. Greg has programmed the brick once before and remembered the syntax a bit better.

to wackey

ad, on

ad, setpower 8

waituntil [switcha]

ad, rd


if timer > 100 [ad, rd]


Christine wanted the car to go backwards for 10 seconds before it tried to go forward again. It turned out that the concept of the timer was not completely clear so after another explanation the kids came up with the 'if' construct. Greg found, when he was shown the manual pages on the commands, that the timer had steps in ms. They then decided that they needed to wait for 100 ms. When the vehicle was tested out it ran forward until it hit something, and then ran backwards never to turn forward again.

It was in no way obvious to the kids that the 'if' statement was only checked once, and thus that this was the reason that the vehicle did not go forward again. Their first reaction was that the timing was too long and that they needed to go down to 10 instead of 100. When they explained the program, both seemed confident that the 'if' would catch the timer, and that the 'if' would wait for the statement to become true.

At this point Alex had joined us (Figure 5).

Figure 5: (left to right) Olav, Christine, Greg and Alex working on Wackey.

After Olav asked Greg if he could remember the other vehicle that he built the week before, Greg remembered the loop construct. But he was not sure what to put inside the loop, and what to leave out. After a few trials and directions the following program was the result:

to wackey

ad, on

ad, setpower 8

loop [

waituntil [switcha]

ad, rd


if timer > 100 [ timer > 100 ]

ad, rd



The program still did not work and the kids were puzzled. The car did bounce off the wall, but it never went forward again. After a short explanation of the semantics of the 'if' statement vs. the 'waituntil' Greg decided to use a 'waituntil' instead of an 'if' construct.

to wackey

ad, on

ad, setpower 8

loop [

waituntil [switcha]

ad, rd


waituntil [ timer > 100 ]

ad, rd



Figure 6 shows Greg testing Wackey in the hallway.

Figure 6: Greg testing Wackey in the hallway.

This did not work either. It turned out that the brick's operating system had to be reloaded, and when that was done, everything worked fine. Except for the fact that the timing still was not correct. Olav suggested that Christine tried to count while the motor was spinning backwards to figure out how long it did that. She could not even get to one before it turned forward again. 100 had to be too short a time, so she wanted to do 1000.

to wackey

ad, on

ad, setpower 8

loop [

waituntil [switcha]

ad, rd


waituntil [timer > 1000]

ad, rd



She was satisfied with the one-second backwards run. Both Christine and Greg were very happy when the vehicle behaved the way they wanted it to (Figure 7 & 8).

Figure 7: Greg - very happy with Wackey.

Figure 8: Christine - very happy with Wackey.

The fact that the timer was counting in ms, and not in 1/10ths of a second seemed to confuse the kids. The week before they had been using numbers such as 10 or 20 to wait, and they were not completely confident with the new measure. Also, the use of a loop construct to make the program go on forever was not something they were confident with.

Insight: This experience lead us to the conclusion that it would be better not make the kids think of a loop. Furthermore, the timer should have a resolution in the 1/10ths of a second, or even seconds. The idea of an alarm, or timer that counts down, would maybe be easier for them to grasp.

Traffic Lights

On Wednesday, November 16, we worked with Kendal, Lindsay and Ester on the LEGO Dacta kit. We decided to build a traffic light (Figure 9) - partly because we wanted to experiment on how easy it would be for the kids to program it using Logo. This way, we would have a point of reference for comparison with our system in the future.

Figure 9: Kendal programming the Traffic Light.

We worked together with the kids and came up with the following piece of code for our traffic light. We implemented both the American and the European traffic lights (since Olav encouraged it)! Figure 10 shows the traffic light in action.

to traffic

talkto "lampf


wait 50


talkto "lamph


wait 50


talkto "lampg


wait 20


loop [traffic]


to european

talkto "lampf


wait 50

talkto "lampg


wait 10


talkto "lampf


talkto "lamph


wait 50


talkto "lampg


wait 10


loop [european]


Figure 10: Traffic Light in action.

Insight: It turned out to be really simple to build the traffic light. We expected this because of the sequential nature of the traffic light problem, which seems to map nicely to the sequential model of Logo. The only problem was that the kids were not comfortable with the idea of loops. For some reason, they expected the program to keep on looping by itself. This is one of the reasons that in our system we will provide an implicit loop so that the user will not have to worry about it.

Motor Home

The kids built a motor home that had two touch sensors in the front. They wanted to write a program to make the motor home move forward until one of the touch sensors was pressed. When that happened, they wanted it to back up for 3 seconds and stop. Figure 11 shows the kids and the motor home.

Figure 11: (left to right) Kendal, Ester and Lindsay with the Motor Home.

The final code was the following:

to motorhome

talkto "motora

setpower 5


talkto "motorb

setpower 5


waituntil [or (touch1) (touch2)]

talkto "motora


talkto "motorb


wait 30


talkto "motora



A close-up of the motor home is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Motor Home Close-up.

Insight: When we had to use the 'or' operator in the 'waituntil' statement, since none of us knew the Logo syntax for it, we suggested that the kids look it up in the manual (Figure 13). It was interesting to see their reaction: they refused to get the book and look it up! "No way!", was somebody's response. And the rest expressed their dislike for manuals in similar ways. Especially in a social context, the act of looking up things in a manual is considered "uncool." Therefore, alternative ways of doing this should be explored during our project.

Figure 13: Andri helping Kendal with the Logo Reference Manual.

LEGO Dacta versus the Programmable Brick: No more cables

We have worked with the kids using the LEGO Dacta kit several times. On every occasion, the frustration due to the limitations that the wires pose was obvious in the behavior of the kids.

The majority of the models that the kids want to build are movable models. Naturally, this leads to frustration when the models are connected to the control board via wires at all times. We tried to solve the problem by making the connections longer using series of wire connectors to make our models move further away, but this left us with even more wires to handle. The kids soon get annoyed by this situation and frequently express their preference for the Brick that disconnects completely from the computer and can move around freely (Figure 14).

Figure 14: Wires "SUCK!!!"

The Parallel Sensor Vehicle

During one visit, John, who is not part of the CMS group, walked by and was rather intrigued by the vehicle. After playing with it for a while by letting the vehicle move around, bump into things and back up, he suggested adding a light and a touch sensor that would sense obstacles in front of the vehicle, but react differently. If the vehicle would encounter a mirror, then the light sensor would react before the touch sensor. According to John, the vehicle should turn when this happens. If, however, the vehicle encounters an obstacle that would not reflect light very well, then the touch sensor should take over and print a message on the LCD and have the vehicle stop.

Insight: The two sensors would need to be polled in parallel. Worse yet, different actions would be triggered depending on what sensor went off. This calls for a change of plan from Logo to one in which the sensors are conceptually polled in parallel. This is a good argument for our rule structure, which operates in a seemingly parallel manner, while still enabling sequential operations.


On two of our visits to CMS, we performed some rudimentary user testing in form of interviews. Jim also did separate user testing with Kimmy, a 5th grader at Martin Luther King Elementary School.

Operator Precedence

All the students Jim interviewed, except Kimmy, had already learned about operator precedence. The way he tested this was by asking each student to solve: 7 - 2 * 2. The students who had already learned about operator precedence claimed to have learned it in about 6th grade. All the students who knew about operator precedence also knew how to use parenthesis to group expressions in formulas to get the desired result. It should be noted that all the CMS children Jim interviewed are in advanced math, and therefore are not necessarily average middle school children.

It is interesting to note that Brick Logo does not use operator precedence for mathematical expressions. All expressions are evaluated from left to right. We have a feeling there was a very good reason for doing it this way, and would like to find out more about why this decision was made.

Jennifer interviewed Lindsay (8th, Honors 8th-gradeMath) and Greg (6th, Honors 6th-grade Math) about how easy it is for them to understand our current way of dealing with equations (formulas) and their sense of ordering the rules according to their importance.

Following are the notes taken by Jennifer, during the interviews with two of the CMS kids:

1) Lindsay had a little trouble with the precedence of operations, and forgot to put in the () when rewriting the equation

3 + 8*1



to a one-liner, 3+ (8*1)/(3+1). She also had some trouble evaluating 8*2/(4-3)*2/(3-2); she reduced it to 16/1*2/1 (which she remembered to do the ()precedence, there are still many children in our target age group that can not. Furthermore, we feel even younger children should be able to use LEGOsheets; therefore, we are convinced that we need some type of system that helps younger children build formulas. We are also not convinced that we should not investigate using Brick Logo's method of evaluating expressions from left to right, although it is not mathematically sound.

Calculator Metaphor as a Formula Builder

All the students we interviewed seemed to like using calculators. We presented all students with the following problem:

5 + 3


6 - 2

First we asked all children to work the problem out in their head and tell us the solution. All did, and all told us the correct solution.

Next, we asked all to solve the problem using the calculator. Although this is a trivial problem to solve manually, we asked all students to work it out on the calculator as though it were not trivial (no shortcuts).

All of the children, except Christine, used the same procedure:

They all started by typing in "5 + 3" and pressing "=".

After this, all of them realized there was probably going to be trouble. After thinking about it for a few minutes, they decided to go ahead and try their first method. They pressed the division operator and then typed in "6 - 2" and hit "=". Of course, they all realized, as they expected, that the answer was wrong, so they started over. Next, all of them decided that they should store the first result, so they wrote it down on paper. Next, they solved "6 - 2" and wrote it down, then they got the solution using the intermediate results of "8" and "4".

Christine used the parentheses on the calculator to surround the "5 + 3" and the "6 - 2" and therefore got the correct answer the first time.

We asked all students that wrote intermediate results on paper if they would find it useful if the calculator had a memory so they could store the intermediate results in the calculator, and all universally agreed it would be a nice feature (which of course the calculator has anyway).

We felt this was fairly strong evidence that our calculator metaphor may be useful. We prototyped a Formula Builder, which looks just like a calculator, except it also has text boxes that act as memory cells. At any time, the user can move an expression from the main cell to one of the memory cells. When the expression is moved from a memory cell to the main cell, it is surrounded by parentheses. The calculator also restricts which keys can be pressed at any time and also dims the 'OK' button when necessary. This has the effect of forcing the user to enter a correct formula from the start, and also guides them as they build the formula by not allowing them to press keys that will make an invalid formula.

Insight: Children like to use calculators, and we feel this may be a suitable alternative for those who have trouble dealing with typing formulas out by themselves. However, we are not sure if the memory function helps or not. Unfortunately, we have not had a chance to do any user testing on our prototype.

Children's Reaction to Rules for Defining Behavior

For all children Jim interviewed, he told them to pretend they had just received a robot for Christmas and wanted to teach it how to ride a bike without getting hurt. Jim asked them to teach their robot by giving it a set of rules for it to follow. Below is a summary of the experience:

All the children found rules a little weird at first. Most did not know at what level they should start, and Jim told them to pretend that the robot knows how to peddle and stay balanced and the such, but does not know the rules of the road. Most came up with a first rule like: "If you are on a bike, peddle." For each rule they came up with, Jim would pretend he was the robot and was riding a bike and would run into a wall or get hit by a truck or something to illustrate the need for an additional rule. The children quickly learned how to solve the problem he illustrated by introducing a new rule, such as "IF there is a wall in front of you, stop peddling and apply the brakes." Although apprehensive at first, the children seemed to become comfortable with using rules to define behavior, although they admitted that it was still a different way of thinking.

Insight: Most children find using rules to solve problems a little strange at first, but soon learn how to use them effectively to solve their problems.

Case: Rules for Robots driving cars

Greg was asked how he would teach a robot to drive a car. How should the robot behave if it encounters other cars and how should the robot deal with traffic lights? After presenting him with these questions, Jennifer asked him to come up with rules that would tell the robot what to do when "something" happens to prevent itself from killed. Jennifer started him off with a sentence as follows: "The robot is happily driving down the road, but suddenly he sees a car stopped in front of him, what should he do?" Greg then continued on by finishing the sentence with: "when the robot sees a car stopped in front of him, he should push on the brake." Then Jennifer asked him what the robot should do if he sees a yellow light? He said he should "SPEED" up. Then he continued on with the rules for the red light and the green light situations. All these were done through a conversation-like format. Jennifer wrote the rules Greg told her in the IF, THEN format on paper. She then tried to introduce the importance of rule ordering by asking him: "Following the order or the rules that you have given me so far, what if there is a car in front of the Robot, and the Robot sees a yellow light?" He laughed and said his Robot would run over the car in front of him. After he was done talking about the rules, Jennifer showed him the IF, THEN rules on paper and asked him to order the rules according to their importance so that this situation would not happen. The numbers on the left side reflect Greg's suggested order.

With this scenario, where Greg had to teach his robot what to do when comes to a traffic light while driving a car, the following are the four rules that he came up with:

2 IF: Robot sees a red light

THEN : Push on brake

1 IF: Robot sees a yellow light

THEN : Push on the gas

4 IF: Robot sees a car in front

THEN: Push on brake

3 IF: Robot sees a green light

THEN: Continue going at same speed

Introduction to the LEGOtalk Rule Structure

LEGOtalk Rule Editor User Testing: First Look

Christine (8th grader) had been exposed to both the LEGO Dacta Kit and the Brick and experienced programming in Logo. She was asked to rewrite a program that she helped writing earlier in Logo, into our first phase design of the LEGOtalk Rule Editor on paper. The program was 'Wackey', which is described in an earlier section.

When she started rewriting the program in LEGOtalk Rules, at first, she had a little trouble understanding the Sequencer used in the LEGOtalk Rules to keep track of the different states and their timing. After explaining to her what the Sequencer does, and what it is used for, she picked it up rather quickly. She then used it for the backing up state for the vehicle and had a 2 second timing associated with it.

The LEGOtalk Rule Editors were shown to Christine a little out of order when we did this user testing, since we only had the different Rule Editors on paper. Christine was a little confused about which Rule Edito r she would see at what point in time. But this should be much more clearer to children once we get the LEGOtalk Rule Editors prototyped and they are shown to the kids on screen.

Insight: The positive feedback we got from Christine was that the LEGOtalk Rule Editors were structured in a way that she could just read through the items in the Editor and it would make sense to her what was going on. She did not have to memorize, or look up, any syntax involved with a typical programming language, such as Logo, when she was using the LEGOtalk Rules. Greg also liked using the rules to solve the problem better than using Logo because "you do not have to remember all the syntax." He was able to solve the problem without intervention. This was strong evidence, in our opinion, that we made be headed in the right direction with our rule structure.

Future Work

Next semester we will take the insights presented here into account and create a prototype of the LEGOsheets programming and simulation environment.


Many thanks to Mitchel Resnick (MIT) who made this work possible by giving us a programmable LEGO brick. Fred Martin (MIT) patiently provided us with many answers to technical questions. Scott Dixon (Boulder Centennial Middle School) was essential by devoting much of his time and by giving us the opportunity to work with his highly motivated and fun students.

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