Schedule for CSCI 5582 - Artificial Intelligence
Fall 1997
Mike Eisenberg and Gerhard Fischer
TA: Ann Eisenberg
We will try to stick as closely as possible to this syllabus.
We will inform the class in time about possible modifications/updates as
they are required or desired.
- August 25: Gerhard
The History of AI and AI in the 1990's
- August 27: Gerhard
Foundations of AI
(Chapter 1 in Winston)
- Sept 1: Labor Day, no class
- Sept 3: Mike
Introduction to functional programming through SchemePaint
- Sept. 8: Mike
SchemePaint II
- Sept. 10: Mike
SchemePaint III
Problem Set 1 handed out
- Sept 15: Mike
SchemePaint IV
- Sept 17: Gerhard
Semantic Nets and Description Matching
(Chapter 2 in Winston)
- Sept. 22: Gerhard
Generate and Test
(Chapter 3 in Winston)
Problem Set 1 due
- Sept. 24: Gerhard
Nets and Basic Search
(Chapter 4 in Winston)
- Sept. 29: Gerhard
Nets and Optimal Search
(Chapter 5 in Winston)
- Oct. 1: Gerhard
Trees and Adversarial Search
(Chapter 6 in Winston)
Problem Set 2 handed out
- Oct. 6: Gerhard
Rules and Rule Chaining
(Chapter 7 in Winston)
- Oct. 8: Gerhard
Rules, Substrates, and Cognitive Modelling
(Chapter 8 in Winston)
- Oct. 13: Gerhard
Frames and Inheritance
(Chapter 9 in Winston)
- Oct. 15: Gerhard
Frames and Common Sense
(Chapter 10 in Winston)
- Oct. 20: Gerhard
AI and Design
Comments on Bobrow paper due
- Oct. 22: Mike
Symbolic Constraint Propagation
(Chapter 12 in Winston)
Problem Set 2: one page documentation of a running program due
- Oct. 27: Mike
Logic and Resolution Proof
(Chapter 13 in Winston)
Discussion of projects
- Oct. 29: Mike
Truth Maintenance; Planning
Problem Set 2 due
- Nov. 3: Mike
Reasoning under uncertainty
(Chapter 11 in Winston)
Project proposal due
- Nov. 5: Mike and Gerhard
Special Class: Discussion on Searle's and Turing's papers
Comments on Searle and Turing Papers due
- Nov. 10: Mike
Machine Learning I
(Chapters 16-17 in Winston)
- Nov. 12: Mike
Machine Learning II
(Chapters 18 and 21 in Winston)
- Nov. 17: Mike
Intro. to Neural Nets
(Chapter 22 in Winston)
- Nov. 19: Mike, Gerhard, Tim Koschmann
AI and Education
- Nov. 24: Gerhard
AI and Creativity
Project progress report due
- Nov. 26: Mike
Machine Vision and Mental Imagery
(Chapters 26-27 in Winston)
Comments on Gardner reading due
- Dec. 1: Mike
Game Theory: Modelling of Reasoning beyond the Individual
Comments on Axelrod reading due
- Dec. 3: Mike
Artificial Life
Comments on Braitenburg reading due
- Dec. 8: Gerhard and guest speakers
AI and the World Wide Web
- Dec. 10
Class Project Presentations I
- Final Exam Date/Time
Class Project Presentations II
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