Friday, January 26, 2007

Joerg Beringer, PhD
Vice President, Design, Emerging Solutions
SAP Labs, LLC, Palo Alto, CA

Empowering users in designing and using enterprise software


Web 2.0 is changing the relationship of software to end users. Often end users become an inherent part of system design by enabling them to shape their own space and by engaging them in user communities. In the extreme, the user community represents the product itself. Users become an active member in system design and choose between services in an ad hoc manner based on personal preferences and social pressure.

This change in the user model has also impact on how to think about the user experience of enterprise software. Some of the new design challenges are
- how to empower business experts to customize software without IT knowledge
- how to enable information workers to consume business data without in-depth application knowledge
- how to use end user communities to engage the long tail of product adoption

Short Bio:

Joerg Beringer leads the user experience group within Emerging Solutions, an organization unit focused on empowering information workers by means of new technology and business application models.

Joerg joined SAP in 1997 and became responsible for managing strategic design projects within the EnjoySAP initiative. After establishing user-centered design as part of SAP’s best practices in requirements engineering, he moved to the Enterprise Portal group where he specialized in user productivity and work group support in business applications.

He then was responsible for the user experience of xApps: SAP’s product name for composite applications built on service-oriented platforms. In his architectural role, Joerg is committed to promoting new ideas and innovative solutions for frameworks that improve the user experience of business applications.

Joerg holds a PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Technical University,
Darmstadt, Germany.

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