September 13, 2006

Chase Mullen

Emerging 3D Visualization methods and SketchUp's roll in the future


Video games are the future, laterally. Advances in video game technology
are leading the way for environmental simulations of every scale, from
landscape and urban design to city master planning and resort
development all will be designed and presented differently.
Conceptually, video games create a virtual world where the player can
explore and interact with it. What could be better framework for
designer to work inside of. I have developed software that allows for
totally unconstrained exploration and interactivity with a 3d model.
Users can walk them selves down a street stop and look at paving patters
or fly up and down the country side.

SketchUp offers designers the power to work in 3-dimension from the
beginning of a project. There is no need work though a project on paper
or in CAD and then see it later in 3D, it all can be designed and in 3d
from the very beginning. With an experienced driver behind the mouse, 3d
models can be generated nearly as fast as someone can describe them. We
(my self and others at Winston Associates) have developed an approach to
public facilitation that really let "the public" do the designing.

Here are a couple of our SketchUp Case Studies:

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