Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Kent Wittenburg, Director, MERL Technology Laboratory
Kathy Ryall, DiamondTouch Project Leader

Selected HCI Research at MERL Technology Laboratory


This talk will give an overview of selected research at the Technology Laboratory of MERL (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories) MERL Technology Lab focuses on developing technology and applications that can impact products or services of the parent company in a one-to-four-year timeframe. The main areas of work are computer vision, digital video, digital communications, data & sensor systems, and off-the-desktop interaction and display. Together with the MERL Research Lab, MTL has invented such HCI technologies as the DiamondTouch multi-user touch surface, implicit interaction for ambient retail environments, video sports highlights play, and spoken queries for multimedia content. The talk will be an overview of the lab's work with selected examples from the area of off-the-desktop interaction.


Kent Wittenburg
After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, Kent Wittenburg worked at the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC), Bellcore, and Verizon/GTE laboratories before joining Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL). His research has encompassed a variety of Human-Computer Interaction technologies including rapid serial visual presentation, multidimensional information visualization, visual languages for diagrams, and natural language. He managed groups in natural language interfaces and internet technologies prior to joining MERL as group manager of speech and HCI. Kent become director of MERL's Cambridge Systems Lab in 2002 and then director of MERL's Technology Lab at its inception in 2003.

Kathy Ryall
Kathy Ryall's research interests focus on the design of interfaces and interaction techniques to support multi-user collaboration on interactive shared surfaces. Since 2002 she has led the DiamondTouch project, developing the infrastructure for MERL's multi-user, multi-touch technology, coordinating external collaborations, and exploring its application across a variety of domains. Her research activities span the HCI and information visualization fields, with
recent projects such as UbiTable, HuGS, and Intelligent Multi-Dimensional Data Summarization. Kathy received her Ph.D. from Harvard University; prior to joining MERL she served as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia.

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