5pm Thursday, January 26, 2006

Gerhard Fischer, Hal Eden, Andrew Gorman, Mike Eisenberg,

"Amplifying Learning and Human Cognition: Three Prototypes from CU's Center for Lifelong Learning and Design (L3D)."


L3D researchers will demo these prototypes, focusing on their ergonomics, user interface, and overall user experience. The demos are informal, so practitioners and researchers can swap ideas. Which of these concepts will appear in products one day? Which concepts apply to our work today?

[1] Beyond the Desktop with the Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory and Google Earth:
interactive visualizations for participative, collaborative urban planning and design.

[2] Cognitive Levers:
PDA-based cognitive aids for individuals with cognitive disabilities, coupled with caregiver tools for end-user programing and remote notification, monitoring and support with internet-based multimedia technologies such as Flash Communication Server and Google Earth.

[3] Craft Technology Group:
A variety of projects integrating new technology, such as 3D printers, laser cutters and conductive thread, with hands-on educational crafts.


WHAT: Joint Meeting of RM-HFES and RM-CHI
TOPIC: "Amplifying Learning and Human Cognition: Three Prototypes from L3D"

SPEAKERS: L3D researchers Andrew Gorman, Mike Eisenberg, Hal Eden

WHEN: Thursday, 26 Jan 2006
5:30 PM, socializing and snacks
7:00 PM, program

WHERE: CU Boulder Campus, Center for Lifelong Learning and Design (L3D),
inside the "Discovery Learning Center" building near Regent Dr. & Colorado Avenue.
Free parking across the street in lot 436.

Detailed directions coming soon.

Laurie Lamar
Chair, Rocky Mountain CHI


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