Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Chris Digiano
Center for Technology in Learning
SRI International
Visiting Researcher, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder

Networked development environments: what are they and what could they mean for collaboration between programmers and domain scientists?


Inspired by the need to supporting interdisciplinary student teams working on software development projects, we have created a prototype system for distributed groups to share computational "work in progress". The result is what one might call a "networked development environment" or a "computational wiki". We are currently exploring how this environment can improve collaboration between biologists who need small computational tools to advance their research and software developers who have the skills to produce the tools quickly and with high quality. There are challenges: scientists and developers each have their own technical languages; they need to work with hard-to-capture dynamic artifacts such as data and programs; they have differing notions of the value of tool reuse; and collaboration is often triggered by crisis rather than opportunity. This presentation will demonstrate the networked development environment concept, connect the concept with emerging ideas of "Web 2.0" and invite discussion around implications for developer-scientist collaborations.

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