March 30, 2005

Stefan Carmien

MAPS: Recent developments and ongoing research topics
(download slides)


This will be a progress report on my ongoing PhD research: developing systems and tools that assist persons with cognitive disabilities and their support communities by leveraging existing abilities. My research vehicle, MAPS (Memory Aiding Prompting System), part of the CLever project, instantiates many L3D themes such as end user development, situated action, and distributed cognition. This presentation will be in two parts: the first will be a rehearsal and request for comments on a short paper I will be giving at CHI next week: End User Programming and Context Responsiveness in Handheld Prompting Systems for Persons with Cognitive Disabilities and Caregivers. Following this I will be discussing my recent work on this program: the ”image experiment” and an extension to the caregivers script builder interface allowing annotation of scripts to enable error trapping, correction and dynamic prompt generation. I will also briefly sketch out the remaining work to be done on my dissertation.

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