Jun 30, 2004

Gerhard Fischer

Lifelong Learning and Innovative Media: Foundations for Graduate Education
(download slides)


If the world of working and living relies on: collaboration, creativity, definition and framing of problems, dealing with uncertainty, change, distributed cognition - then schools and universities need to prepare students for having meaningful and productive lives in such a world.

A decade of interdisciplinary research on everyday cognition demonstrates that school-based learning, and learning in practical settings, have significant discontinuities. We can no longer assume that what we discover about learning in schools and universities is sufficient for a theory of human learning.

I will present ideas what L3D has done over the years to address these issues and will lead a brainstorming session about the implications and challenges associated with these claims.

Note: A few years ago I articulated some action items in a report to the German government. Take a look and think about strategies how they can be made real.

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