May 15, 2002

Elisa Giaccardi
CAiiA-STAR, School Of Computing, University of Plymouth, UK ( &
Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, Turin, Italy (

Interactive Art and Meta-Design: Collaboration and Co-Creation
Power Point Slides


There is a development in art that seems to have some overlap with a meta-design approach to interaction. An analysis of case studies from the field of interactive art highlights a relationship between authorship and intersubjectivity-in terms of a relation between creation and design-that takes place in interactive art and that is particularly exploited within some artistic collaborative systems based on digital networking.

This relationship raises a number of questions: How do these systems sustain the processes that lead to intersubjective creativity? How can collaboration lead to co-creation? On the basis of what initial conditions and interactive properties is co-creation experienced? What interactive strategies (in terms of motivations and mechanisms) and interaction rules are used? Finally, what kind of activities does the interface allow users to perform?

Through an analysis of different typologies and qualities of both interactivity and agency, exploited within some artistic collaborative systems, this presentation will address issues at the convergence between aesthetics and HCI. Such issues raise fundamental philosophical questions, and can contribute to the development of a meta-design culture and practice.

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