February 25, 2009

Chris DiGiano

Designing the Sharing of Google Docs: Why it's so hard to get it right.


One of the most loved feature of Google Docs is the ability to share
your work with collaborators. Yet, this feature also creates some of
the most confusion. In this talk I'll review how sharing currently
works in Google Docs, the basic authentication mechanisms, and the
user interfaces we provide to control sharing. I'll talk about the
design decisions that went into the recently overhauled Sharing
Dialog, and how there's still much room for improvement.

User Interface Software Engineer, Google Docs
Chris develops code for the "doclist" that lets users browse and share
their documents on-line. He has a background in collaborative tool
building, especially for education. Chris holds an adjoint appointment
in the Department of Computer Science at the Univ. of Colorado at
Boulder where he received his Ph.D. in 1996. He earned a master's
degree in 1992 from the Univ. of Toronto and a bachelor's degree in
1990 from the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chris is the
editor of the book Educating Learning Technology Designers published
by Routledge.

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