March 19, 2008

Yingdan Huang

SketchUp Learning


Google claims SketchUp is easier to learn than other 3D modeling programs
( This has been corroborated by the popularity of
this software. In this study, SketchUp has been compared with other popular
3D graphic software, including AutoCAD, 3DMAX and Maya to examine why
SketchUp is easier for a novice user. However low threshold is not good
enough - we would like to explore where the high ceiling is. Therefore, I
specifically focus on examining if SketchUp can offer help to users of
different levels to raise the high ceiling.

Initialized by John Bacus, Brian Brown and Jon Dormody, who work in Google
Boulder, this work is built upon their independent research in the class
"Design, Learning and Collaboration", conducted in Spring 2007. Based on
previous work, I further analyze the current learning and help system of
SketchUp with a focus on video tutorials and context help systems in the
model space. One of the interesting findings is that currently all learning
resources provided by SketchUp are relatively isolated. Often the user has
to resort to other resources when he/she primarily uses one learning
methodology. This effort of learning about learning is not rare in our
learning experience. However, a user does not get sufficient support in this
perspective in SketchUp.

This work is expected to lead to a more effective learning support system to
3D modeling software. Once the overhead of learning is removed, users will
enjoy both learning and being creative.

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