August 1 , 2007

Bob Kuo

What do people see and judge: two case studies involving over-confidence and anchoring


Established in 2006, Center for Cognition in E-Decision (CCED) of National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan is to study the impact of information presentation on human decision behaviors in the Internet, which is now burdened with the problem of information overload. The current research personnel are composed of three professors, seven PhD students and four master students. CCED is currently running several research projects with the EyeLink II System from SR Research Company that offers a new opportunity to explore the perceptual effort in human decision making. Specifically, couched in the seminal work by Tversky and Kahneman (1981 ) concerning decision bias, these projects aim to investigate on how information presentation may induce/influence biased human perception that in turn may affect judgment. Professor Feng-Yang (Bob) Kuo will present two recent experimental trials, one on information-induced over-confidence and the other on bias induced by advertising anchoring, to demonstrate the application of the EyeLink II System.

With the coming of Web 2.0 (affective computing) and the explosion of information in the Internet, the endeavors undertaken by CCED hope to advance our understanding of how to better design information representation that facilitate rational decision making. As pointed out by Herbert Simon (1969/1996) in his book, The Sciences of the Artificial, "a design presentation suitable to a world in which the scarce factor is information may exactly the wrong one for a world in which the scarce factor is attention" and "the real design problem is …that they will get only the information that is most important and relevant to the decisions they will make" (p144). Comments concerning potential research opportunities along this line of thought are particularly appreciated.

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