Topics in Symbolic Artificial Intelligence
Design, Learning and Collaboration

CSCI 7212 - Self-Assessment

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Course Requirements



(please return Monday, May 3, in class; 1 page max)

  1. Self-Assessment of the major assessment dimensions:

    1. Project

    2. Assignments

    3. Participation

  2. Using these criteria above (and other which you view as important) develop the argument identifying strengths and deficiencies which supports your final grade for this course.

  3. Based on that argument, please reflect briefly on how would you go about "reinforcing" those areas where you are doing well in order to improve further, and how would you go about "redirecting" those areas in which you find your performance lacking.

  4. Evaluate the course as a learning experience by using some of the criteria above, or other criteria of importance to you.
    Last Updated: 4/27/99; 10:24:19 AM
    Please direct questions or comments to: l3d-webmaster