Spring 2000 , TAM Course "Designing the Information Society of the Next Millennium" – Ernesto Arias and Gerhard Fischer


Assignment 6



due: post on web by Monday, Feb. 21, 10:00am



Read the article Fischer, G. (1998) "Beyond 'Couch Potatoes': From Consumers to Designers." In IEEE (Ed.) 1998 Asia-Pacific Computer and Human Interaction, APCHI'98, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 2-9.






Briefly discuss the following issues:

  1. what did you find
    1. interesting about the article?
    2. not interesting about the article?
  2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
  3. in your personal educational experience in going to school and to university,
    1. was it mostly a consumer or a designer experience?
    2. describe the "highlight" of your consumer experience
    3. describe the "highlight" of your designer experience
  4. discuss the claim by Ivan Illich: "schools and universities are the reproductive organ of a consumer society" in Illich, I. (1971) "Deschooling Society", Harper and Row, New York.