Things that Think Current Schedule

Aug. 26: Introductions, Logistics, expectations.

Aug. 28: Lab: Making simple toys. Select science kit #1. Homework for Tuesday, 9/2: Begin to evaluate science kit #1 for discussion purposes. 1-2 page writeup for Tuesday 9/9.

Sept. 2: Preliminary discussion of science kit #1. Mini-lecture: Instruments, Toys, and Environments.

Sept. 4: Lab: Continue working with science kit #1. Intro to the ITLL laboratory and rules for using the building.

Sept. 9: Introduction to Crickets and cricket programming.

Sept. 11: Cricket Lab‹introduction. Homework for Tuesday 9/16: Mini-cricket project.

Sept. 16: Mini-cricket project presentations and discussion. More information on cricket programming.

Sept. 18: Scientific exhibits: a "field trip" within the ITLL itself.

Sept. 23: Building automata: the tradition and future. The Cabaret Mechanical Theatre. Project 1 introduction.

Sept. 25: Lab: project work.

Sept. 30: Discussion of reading: "Vehicles"; "Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams."

Oct. 2: Lab: project work.

Oct. 7: Discussion of readings: "Stuff" and "Why We Need Things".

Oct. 9: Lab: project work.

Oct. 14: Project 1 presentations.

Oct. 16: Lab: Science kit #2 introduction. Homework for Tuesday, 10/21: prepare discussion of kit #2.

Oct. 21: Science kit #2 preliminary evaluations. Science museums, scientific art.

Oct. 23: Lab: Science kit #2 continued work. Homework for Tuesday, 10/28: prepare 1-2 page write-up on kit #2.

Oct. 28: Intro to Project 2. Ubiquitous computing/wearable computers.

Oct. 30: Field Trip: Children's Museum

Nov. 4: Guest lecturer: Andee Rubin

Nov. 6: Lab: project work

Nov. 11: Math, minds, and puzzles.

Nov. 13: Lab: work with mathematical puzzles. Homework for Tuesday, November 18: prepare discussion of mathematical puzzle.

Nov. 18: Discussion of puzzles. Augmented reality.

Nov. 20: Lab: project work.

Nov. 25: Scientific instruments. Discussion of reading: Holton.

Dec. 2: Project 2 presentations.

Dec. 4: Project 2 presentations.

Dec. 9: Wrap-up; discussion.