CSCI 5582
Grading and General Policies
Grading Scheme:
- Problem Sets 1: 20 %
- Problem Set 2: 25%
- Reading Assignments: 10%
- Project: 45%
- mailing list:
- student id numbers: grades will be posted by last 6 digits of your student id number --
if you want a different number posted, please send a six-digit number to Ann asap
- the web: (1) Email will be sent to the class alias whenever there is a web update.
(2) As a general rule, we will make copies of the overhead slides for a particular class available on the web no later than the morning
of the lecture. It is up to you to look them up and to bring a printed version to class if you want to make notes on it. (3) The class slides will be posted in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. Download the Acrobat reader (pc or mac) at:
- assignments: Late work will NOT be accepted. If you will be out of town when something is due, please make arrangements to get the assignment in AHEAD of time. This applies to reading assignments, programming problem sets, and the final project.
- macs: For the two problem sets, you will be using a software
environment that runs only on the macintosh platform. There is a mac lab on the third floor of Norlin library, and two on the second floor of the engineering center (ECCR 225).
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