Ernesto Arias / Gerhard Fischer Fall 97, Information Society Course

Assignment 4

due: September 29nd in class

Read Chapter 7 in the book by Simon!

Summarize (on half a page or less) what you consider the most important issues discussed in the chapter

Try to solve the following problem:


  1. an object with the structure of an 8x8 matrix and an arbitrary number of domino blocks. A domino block covers exactly two squares on the matrix. It is obvious that we can cover the whole object with domino blocks.
  2. we mutilate the object by cutting out two squares at opposing corners
  3. Question: can the mutilated figure still be covered completely with the domino blocks?


  1. If you have seen the problem before and know the answer, let us know whether you found the answer yourself and how.

  2. Do not take the fun away from the other people -- let them try to solve the problem themselves!

  3. You will not be graded whether you are successful to solve the problem or not!

  4. Try to write down a "Think aloud Protocol" of your solution efforts -- try to document it as careful as possible!

Read Chapter 8 in the book by Simon!

  1. Summarize (on half a page or less) what you consider the most important issues discussed in the chapter

Simon in Chapter 8 argues that "There is no conservation law of complexity"

  1. Is he right or wrong?

  2. Can you describe a number of convincing techniques of Computer Science, of (Architectural) Design, of your own field which have tried to break the "conservation law of complexity"?